Saleem Umar
The virtual world these days is witnessing both joyful and sorrowful news. On one side, there is the oppression and tyranny that constantly casts a shadow over the skies of Gaza and Syria, while on the other side, the public revolution in Bangladesh and the overthrow of a dictator’s regime brings waves of happiness and satisfaction to the hearts.
Today, not only the people of Bangladesh but all Muslims around the world are celebrating this significant change and revolution. The success that the people of Bangladesh have achieved is a result of their unwavering determination and numerous sacrifices.
Throughout history, whenever people have demonstrated resolute will and unified resistance, offered themselves for sacrifice, they have experienced the sweetness of freedom and liberty.
Indeed, for the achievement of such goals, it is a strong determination and resolve that can liberate nations from the slavery of tyrant rulers and devils, and instances of this are documented among both Muslim and non-Muslim nations. From the American attack on Vietnam and the Vietnamese people’s firm resolve that defeated them, to today, dozens of other examples have been recorded in history.
In this regard, the brave and courageous people of Afghanistan have also recorded various experiences in the pages of their history, and it was possible only through their strong resolve that three global powers were forced to kneel within a century.
The former British colonialism, the Red Army of the Russians, and the global alliance «NATO» were the three global powers that were forced to kneel within a century.
The three global powers, which came with immense arrogance, lofty claims, and all kinds of modern weapons at their disposal, remained silent in front of the courage and strong resolve of the Afghan people, and the determination of the Afghans became a shining example in history.
The iron will to eradicate oppression and tyranny was so high and deep that, through this resolve, the people endured sacrifices, the hardships of imprisonment, and sufferings, but eventually, peace, freedom, and tranquility became their destiny.
Therefore, we conclude that strong determination and resolve can lead to the downfall of tyrannical and oppressive governments.