Talib-ul-Ilm Sifatullah «Sayyah»
Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah are those who avoid extremism and paucity, precisely following the path shown by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to his close companions, which has been passed down to us through generations.
For every action there is a limit: we can go over the limit or overdo or overkill it which is called “Ifrat” or underdo it which is called “Tafrit”
Extremism “Ifrat” , known as the Khawarij and Mu’tazila, while scarcity “Tafrit”, known as the Murji’ah, Jahmiyyah, Qadariyyah, etc.
It is impossible for extremism and paucity “Tafrit” to unite, as their beliefs are so far apart, especially in matters of faith.
However, it is astonishing how today extremism (ISIS) and paucity (the Resistance) have united against the Islamic Emirate (IEA).
ISIS-Khawarijs, based on their false beliefs, consider all Muslims who do not pledge allegiance to their so-called caliph and do not migrate to their controlled territories, or live under man-made laws as infidels.
On the other hand, those under the Resistance believe in «Who is Allah? Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.» They practice (secualarism) of association of religion for Allah but are influenced by the West in social matters like politics, punishments, and transactions, wanting Afghanistan’s ethics to be based on liberalism, personal beliefs on secularism, economy on capitalism, and politics on democracy.
Who has united this cat and mouse against Ahl al-Sunnah?
Contemporary Khawarij excommunicate the Islamic Emirate’s Mujahideen for their treaty with the US, but appoint Sanaullah Ghafari, the bodyguard of Amrullah Saleh, as the governor of all Khorasan.
Wise people know that these two ideologies draw from the same well, which is why, despite their vast differences, they have united against the correct path of the Islamic Emirate (IEA).